Have you ever been leading an organizational change initiative and had someone resist your efforts? Of course, you have! Anyone who has ever tried to introduce and implement new ways of doing things has come up against those who believe the status quo shouldn’t be questioned. Unfortunately, change is necessary for life to continue. Nothing in nature remains the same and things are always changing in order to stay alive.
Recently I was in a workshop when the speaker made this very simple statement: “Resistance training is what builds muscles.” So true. When we go to the gym, the only way for us to grow stronger is to work our muscles beyond what they want to be worked. There is discomfort as we push past what is comfortable. However, if we only do what is comfortable and stay with the status quo, we will never get stronger. So it is with our teams, as well. In order to become the very best we can be, we must push ourselves beyond the point of resistance. When we do, we become better, stronger, and more equipped for the next challenge. Remember this as you lead your team and encounter resistance.
Lead well.