I came across a great list of leadership quotes the other day and one of the people that was quoted was Marcella Bremer, who writes a blog to which I subscribe. She has great insights on how organizations function at peak efficiency. The quote which I came across is,
“That you are only a drop in the ocean, is a linear point of view. How are you to judge whether your results are insignificant? Tiny acts of empathy and understanding cause ripple effects. The world is changed because you are here.”
Yesterday I blogged about how interconnected we are and Marcella’s words support that. Just as every drop of water in the ocean is connected to the rest, so are we, and so are we a significant part of the whole. The next time you start to feel that you don’t matter and that your actions are insignificant, remember that your actions today could make a huge difference in the life of another, particularly if it is an act of empathy. There are countless stories of people whose lives were completely changed just because of an act of kindness or a smile from someone they didn’t know and may never know.
Today, play nice. Smile. Give. Feed. Show empathy to whomever you come across. You may find out that your simple act is more significant than you realize.