Here is the final lesson from the story of Cinderella.
In the original story, the aristocratic elites played a game in which they intentionally ridiculed others. It was a way for them to feel better about themselves and is very similar to how people of all classes often put others down in order to hide their own faults and failings. We have all been guilty at one time or another of making someone else feel bad so that we can feel that we are superior. There may be some saints out there who have never ridiculed another person, but they are few and far between. Human nature makes us try to feel good about ourselves whenever we can.
The leadership lesson comes directly from Cinderella, who, when she found herself in the ridicule game, refused to play along. Instead she practiced kindness, and rather than putting the other player (her stepmother) down, she complimented them and built them up. She could have chosen to try to improve her image, but instead, she placed the other person above herself, which actually accomplished the game’s objective of looking better than the other players. By building others up, Cinderella built herself up and had a positive effect on everyone else. As a leader, we must do the same. Let our actions be those of kindness, never mocking those who may disagree with us or who are different, less fortunate, or merely living life differently than we have chosen to live. Leaders must be strong and confident, but I believe that in all things, leaders should also be kind, just like Cinderella.
Lead well.