Along with many things, a dynamic and inspiring leader knows how to dream, plan, prepare, perform, and follow up, plus one more thing which I believe is a hallmark quality of someone who is truly helping their organization make things happen. They continually ask the question…”What’s next?”
It’s true that after a big activity, event, or objective obtained, leaders must allow their people and themselves the opportunity to enjoy the victory and take a breath in order to refuel for the next effort. However, I believe that even while still in the midst of a great task, in the back of a leader’s mind is always the next big thing. One of the techniques I use to keep my team members motivated is that I am always talking about the future and the next event, even down to keeping a countdown clock going on my iPhone! I understand that it can be a little obnoxious, but charming just the same, because my team enjoys knowing that there is always another goal in mind and this helps to keep all of our eyes on the mission we share.
When it comes to “What’s next?,” there are different ways to approach this. For me, sometimes “next” is defined by an event or project which, as stated above, keeps us on task to achieve our shared mission. In the church world in which I live, often that has to do with the fact that while we celebrate the impact we have on people who respond favorably to our message of hope, we must never forget that there are many more who are still in need of the good news we have to share. Our task is never truly finished, and by keeping our eyes forward we stay the course. Next can be another program, outreach activity, concert, community project, or major event like our Christmas presentation, but more often than all of those, “next” is the weekend services which never stop. I constantly live with what’s next.
Even more important, I believe, “next” has to do with people, particularly the people who will step into leadership roles as we move into new roles or, ultimately, after we’re gone. I believe that it is vitally important that we continually duplicate ourselves in the future generations of leaders. For any of us who desire to leave a legacy and be remembered well years from now, it is going to come through the impact we’ve had on the lives of those who will follow us into leadership. While I’m big on asking “what’s next?” in regards to mission and activities, “who’s next” is an even bigger deal. This has been a theme for me my entire career and I still make it a priority to invest myself into the lives of future leaders. I love to see the lights turn on in the hearts of a child or youth as they discover their unique gifts and talents, and even more when they make the decision to become a leader. “Who’s next?” is by far the coolest thing for me to observe as I do “what’s next!” I encourage you to keep both of these questions in mind as you lead. I will, too.
Lead well.